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Noisy Lives and Hearing Loss: A Case for Custom Ear Protection

In Hearing Protection by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

Hearing loss affects 37 million Americans. From workplace noise to rock concerts and daily city noise, no one is safe from hearing loss. Even listening to music with earbuds during your workout or daily commute puts your hearing at risk. No matter your age, all of us – seniors, adults, and teenagers – need to understand the causes of hearing …

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Iron Deficiency Could be Linked to Hearing Loss

In Uncategorized by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

What causes hearing loss? At first the answer seems simple. Your parents have hearing loss from working for years in noisy environments without proper hearing protection, and your kids have hearing loss from all those loud concerts they attend on the weekends. But there are other, more hidden causes of hearing loss. Nearly 20% of Americans struggle to hear, and …

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Hearing Loss Could Lead to Mobility Issues

In Uncategorized by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

Most people don’t think twice about running out to grab a coffee or a carton of milk. These daily errands are not a big deal for people with normal hearing, but for those with untreated hearing loss, it can become an obstacle. Our sense of hearing is always on, whether we realize it or not. Hearing keeps us connected to …

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Meds that Could Cause Hearing Loss

In hearing loss, Preventative Care by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

Be Aware: Meds That Could Cause Hearing Loss   An increased risk of hearing loss as a side effect of certain medications is gaining attention, as the public becomes aware that many commonly used drugs could cause permanent damage to their ears. It is estimated that 500,000 Americans suffer hearing loss as a result of ear-damaging medications each year. Pharmacists …

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1 in 10 US Adults Suffer from Tinnitus

In News and Technology, Tinnitus by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

Tinnitus Affects One in Ten US Adults, Study Finds Have you ever heard a persistent ringing in your ears? If your answer is yes, you’re not alone. A recent study has revealed a surprising fact: in the past year, 1 in 10 American adults has experienced tinnitus symptoms. Over one third of participants reported that their tinnitus–the perception of sounds …