When to Get New Hearing Aids

When to Get New Hearing Aids

In hearing aids by Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

Ed Kocher, ACA, BC-HIS

You’ve done the work, addressed your hearing needs and been fitted for hearing aids. You are using them to strengthen and elevate your hearing experience and personal and professional relationships. Now that hearing aids are an integral part of your life, let’s explore ways in keeping them effective for the dynamics of your daily life, and mental and physical health.

Functionality and upkeep

Unlike our tablets and cellphones, hearing aids need constant monitoring for peak performance. Some of the signs that they need to be recalibrated usually come up in social and communicative situations such as family functions, outdoor activities, and speaking on the phone. Are these activities getting more difficult than when you were first fitted with them? If so, you might need to reprogram your hearing aids. Contact us at Advanced Tech Hearing Aid Centers for assistance.

Hearing aids are always exposed to the natural elements as well as being fitted to form part of our ear. Make sure that you are familiar with all the components of your hearing devices so that you can keep them clean of debris and dry. Factors such as humid environments, physical activities and production of earwax determine their continued effectiveness.

The decreased effectiveness of hearing aids over long term use can go unnoticed. People easily slip into compensating for a lack of performance, thereby causing greater stress on the part of the user. Daily maintenance, proper storage and reprogramming according to your changing needs will save time, money, and duress.

Lifestyle changes and physical requirements

If you have decided to take up more sports, are venturing into social activities such as attending lectures or musical and theatrical venues, or work demands you to attend more group meetings, your hearing aids will need some adjustments.

If you have medical conditions such as arthritis or are undergoing chemotherapy then this will also affect your hearing aid needs. Check in with us at Advanced Tech Hearing Aid Centers to determine the following:

  1. Calibration
  2. Compatibility with your needs
  3. Change of components

Your hearing prescription

Asides from your daily practices to maintain the functionality of your hearing aids a regular check in with your hearing health professional is required. They can measure the sound levels of your devices and test them to see if they fit your specific needs. According to the results, we can then calibrate or reprogram them accordingly.  We can also help determine as to whether parts need special cleaning or replacement to continue their effectiveness. On the whole, an assessment of your prescription and hearing aids both will need to be evaluated for ongoing use.


Hearing aid technology is advancing at a rapid pace and this can benefit you only if you are aware of what and how it can be put to your personal use. Making a list of your personal needs and changing requirements is a good first step. Researching the advancements and options available is another. It is easy to get overwhelmed with so much information. Would a phone app help? Is Bluetooth technology an option and how do you navigate these options? Discussing these options, trying them out on your own, consulting friends and family and last but not least having a discussion with your audiologist are advised.


For many of us our budgets will dictate our options. Research yours and see what benefits allow you through Medicaid, which differs in every state, your personal provider, and what AARP has to offer if you are in the age range to take advantage of them. At Advanced Tech Hearing Aid Centers, we have a well-trained staff to help you with any prospects that will help you finance and budget your upgrades or your new hearing aids if the need arises.

The commonly given length of the use of hearing aids is between three to seven years given your needs, usage, maintenance and lifestyle changes. Your relationship with hearing aids and your needs will change over the course of many years and can be a complex path to navigate. Establish an informative relationship with your hearing health professional so that you can continue to live with better, fuller hearing.

Advanced Tech Hearing Aid Centers

At Advanced Tech Hearing Aid Centers, we are well versed with our clients’ needs and the progressive nature of hearing loss. We encourage you to give us a call if you have any questions at all about your hearing health. An appointment with us is a good start to maintaining your overall wellness and the sustainability of your hearing health.